March 20, 2008


I’ve been watching MTV Roadies since long. And thanx to my brother, i’ve developed quite an interest in that show. Lately, i’ve discovered that i enjoy the auditions part more than the actual roadie thing.
And there are quite a few reasons for the same.

One: I get to see new and interesting interview techniques!! And as it is an integral part of my job, it helps!!! (naah, i don’t get to interview people like Raghu does! Sob sob.... :D )

Two: it is a great timepass!!

Now, the last episode (which was telecast on 15th March) is the reason why i call this a sheer timepass..! And especially this current season on a whole…

Now those who know what this show is all about would comprehend that politics and personal ditching and bi****** is not an integral part of this show. In fact, it is about how you can identify who’s the toughest candidate and get rid of him/her by getting exemption or as they call it, immunity. And for that you have to show your skills and ‘never-say-die attitude’. At least this is what i could gauge from the first 2-3 seasons.

But this time it has crossed the limits! There are girls fighting over who looks better or who is from a better brand of college, or who can crib better or who can curse the other one better or who can show her flirting skills with every boy on the show better..!! oh what the fish!!!
C’mon girls!! What kinda image are you people posing? In fact, just after that episode my brother gave me this reaction, “ haah, these girls!! Girls are always like this!! If they cannot tolerate anything good in other girls, they just go around saying mean things to each other!!!” I was shocked! I virtually entered in a fight with him, but all in vain. He kept reminding me of the things happening on that show!!!

Hmm… so, there ARE still such kind of girls who think that, even though they are dumb and don’t qualify under intellectually species, if they have good and fair looks, they can win everything. Worst, there ARE boys who worship such girls!! For these people, looks matter the most, even if they deny upfront... but they wouldn't even consider a not-so-fair girl over a fairy-little-cute girl, even if she's the most intelligent of the lot!!!

Oh but then, looking at these girls, what other conclusion could we draw??


Ashish said...

I still think Vikrant is the only one who deserves to win than these B*****s

rayshma said...

girls like these are the reason for boys like those.. and vice-versa. it's what i'd say "made for each other"... i'd only rather they stay out of my way and in their own superficial world...! :D

Kondpak said...

The MTV roadies is partial reflection of the attitude and mentality which is carried by girls. Of course to some extent i agree.....

Mez said...

. Gimma a five radhika…am a huge fan of roadies only for the reason that itz such a gud timepass watchin those ppl play all politics n bitching….hahha those gals are funny man…shambhavi is such a wannabe immature kid…I like prabhjotz attitude. How abt ur favs? Chalo I find someone to discuss roadies with now :)

Solitaire said...

I saw MTV roadies for the first time this past Sunday and I HATED IT!!
It was such a bad imitation of the Survivor and Treasure Island..and the bimbos were too hard to tolerate.

abhijit.....a blogger now said...

hey Rads,
checked out ur blog after so long..this ones good.i think u use this blogsite like a daily diary.too bad i have not hit of with some new topic on my own.have lost touch lately.but u r gr8 and keep on rocking.

Satish Bolla said...

saw "MTV roadies" a while back when i was on a vacation to india. got to see only the auditions part. sounded interesting but here in bahrain, we don't get MTV... sob sob

Mez said...

I heard Aiyaz comin back on the show.

Mez said...

Congraz radhika..herad abt ur engagement. Dont v get to see the pics?

Mez said...

hey mail addy is Luk fwd to seein the engagemnet gal.

Anonymous said...


I have started a blog namely Chef Friday Brunch to challenge the creative musings within to come up with a piece of writing on a theme of the week that would change every Friday. You can write up a post which can be a story, poem, prose based on the theme or the prompt on your blog if you find the theme interesting and drop a comment on my blog providing the link to your post. I would collate the links at the end of week and post it on my blog. Please do spread the word around if you find it interesting.



Rahul... in City of Dreamz said...

hiee!! coming here after a long time.. for some reasons my office proxy blocks your (and only your) blog :(

yeah... Roadies was interesting... but the bitching has been taken to the next level now..

and trust me.. guys think of such as just that... "bitches"!

like rayshma said.. its all superficial.. and all TRP growing fundas!

Unknown said...

Thats true babes.... What the F*** they use such abusive language and flaunt their immaure and uncommitted relationships on national TV yar... Atleast they must keep 1thing in their mind that there are some elders who are watching them and they are the ones who have to keep their parents names... If this is the way these so called "GEN Y" flaunt about their so called acts which according to them are the "IN THING", then thank God we come in the GEN X... I even hated the last episode (17/05/2008) for the mere reason that why didn't those Rodies ppl stop Ayaaz when he rushed towards Nihal to maybe beat him up... Dont u think its kinda promoting Violence as a fashion statement????

RADhika said...

@ rahul,
OMG, how did i miss ur comment?! and why is my blog being blockd?!?!?!
as you said, it is a publicity stunt!!

@ shraddha,
you said it buddy! we are thankfully not a part of them!