February 6, 2008


I've not yet seen my (only) niece Riya, in person. And it'll be an year before i could actually meet her and take her into my arms...

Yet, not a single day has passed since she's born that i haven't seen her snaps... or her video.. To add to it, her current snap is the wallpaper on both my comp and my mobile phone...

I really wonder, is it because she's my first niece, or she's my niece, or she's just like a cute l'il baby seen in every baby soap ad, or is it because of her that i became "aatya" (paternal aunt) for the first time?! Or is it because before she was born, me and her mother used to discuss the names and clothes and colors on the walls for her?

Sometimes you just love somebody unconditionally... and if it's conditional, it's not love..
How else could i describe my feeling for this little angel.. without even meeting her...


neeraj said...

pretty emotional..i m also enjoying the same moments...

Ashish said...

emotional...even i USED to believe in same, but had to kill that feeling myself!! C’est la vie

RADhika said...

@ neeraj,
yes, i understand.. :))

@ ashish,
don't worry.. you'll again believe in the same... :))

Mez said...

Kids are as it is so lovable.

RADhika said...

@ mez,
you bet! :)