The other day while cleaning my closet i found an earring which I’d purchases from Nepal, way back in 1994. I also found a purse, picked up in some exhibition years ago, which was again a very teeny tiny one, with even more small pebbles and stones on it.
I have always been very much fascinated with small things. And these things were just an evidence of it that this has been my habit since childhood.
Even though i have those big and huge earrings, i still don’t take them out unless there’s some occasion. Otherwise i’m always wearing a small one. Same goes with my wrists watches, ring, bracelets, shoes (i cannot say i have tiny shoes and sandals, but their design is most of the times delicate), hairpins, and what not… (now, don’t’ get any weird idea, my clothes are an exception to this!!! They are well fit as they should be!!! )
I generally prefer small servings, small quantity of food at one time, big cup with very little coffee and so on and so forth!
And when i thought about it, i become conscious of the fact that for me, the same goes for many other intangible things as well.
I don’t need a very big reason to be happy, even a small compliment or a flattering remark or a comic strip makes me happy. It is not very hard to please me. And same goes with my anger!! I am a short tempered person; i get irritated pretty soon if things are not proper, but again, i get composed very fast!
Till this point it is okay. But, as i’m happy with small things, does that mean i become content rapidly? i have rejected so many good and big brands for my job, that at a particular point of time people started to think of me as a weirdo! People crave for big names, brands, fatty salaries, and here i was rejecting all of them. And finally settled with the profession i love, without thinking much about the “big” name and money.
But will it lead me anywhere? Am i loosing out somewhere by paying attention to small, but not insignificant, things?