January 18, 2008

On Time

Old habits die hard…true, but Bad habits surely have long life..!!

One such habit is arriving /coming late!! Yesterday i had this opportunity to attend a seminar, and to my surprise, the second speaker arrived first and the first one came after that! He apologized for that and went on give a splendid lecture!!

Why do people get late? Even though we put in order everything, yet manage to arrive late.
Unfortunately, i am one of those (many) people who just cannot manage to go anywhere on time. Of course, i’m not always late, and even if i am, it’s maximum 5 minutes. I know of few people who cannot come before half an hour past the scheduled time! It gets sometimes annoying for me also!!
But then, i happened to read it somewhere, that if we are late everywhere, right from the beginning, like to the school, college, meetings, date, then no matter how hard we try, we just cannot come on time!!
Is it so?? Okay, i’ll try to break this rule…i thought! I succeeded for sometime! And then i found out, that there is nobody to appreciate me coming on time!!


Unknown said...

"Old habits die hard…true, but Bad habits surely have long life..!!" rally an impressing statement, leaving the ur reaction on certain issues, (becoz the media of communication is not enough to reflect the same feelings what u have), ur narration is very good, humorous, making to think on certain un concentrated things....
hope u can write on any issue with adding ur specialized skill of thought process, i wish u continue to write which touches ur heart...

RADhika said...

Thank you so much...it's so flattering! :)
Will surely try to make it upto the expectations! :))

durjoy datta said...

i hate waiting......!
and i hate getting late!
and some people DO appreciate people who are punctual!!!!

RADhika said...

@ durjoy,
Yeah, i can understand!
I've also started to appreciate the same :)